
Online lecture announcement

Dear Colleagues,The following online lecture by Jeremy Pope entitled ‘The Long Arm of Psamtek II? Neglected Sources for his Nubian War’ may be of interest.  To receive a link to the lecture please contact: Professor Arlette DAVID, Egyptology arlette.david(at)mail.huji.ac.il


Letter of Condolence on the Passing of Professor Ibrahim Musa

Artur ObłuskiPresidentInternational Society of Nubian Studies14th January 2024 To the Esteemed Family of Professor Ibrahim Musa,The Community of Nileen University,And The National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums, It is with a heavy heart and profound sorrow that we extend our deepest condolences on the passing of Professor Ibrahim Musa Mohammed Hamdon, General Director of NCAM […]


SFDAS Announcement

Dear Colleagues, The SFDAS team sends its best wishes for the New Year, which we hope will bring an end to the war in Sudan. We are pleased to communicate the link to the new SFDAS website: https://sfdas.hypotheses.org/ As the Hypotheses platform is designed on the model of a blog, you can send us news about […]


Database of Medieval Nubian Texts

Dear ISNS Members, The message below regarding the Database of Medieval Nubian Texts www.dbmnt.uw.edu.pl may be of interest to you.Please contact the website managers directly with any questions etc. Sincerely Julie


Saving Sudan’s Living Heritage

Dear Colleagues, Following below is a link to the newly launched website for the Saving Sudan’s Living Heritage Project which may be of interest to you. This is a British Council Cultural Protection Fund initiative in partnership with DCMS.  The launch of the website precedes the #OurHeritageOurSudan Campaign which will start on the 1st November and run for 90 […]


ISAC/Field Museum Postdoctoral Scholar

Dear Colleagues, The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures (ISAC) of the University of Chicago is offering a three-year Post-Doctoral position which may be of interest to you. Please see the attached advertisement and the URL link below for further information and application instructions.URL Link here: https://isac.uchicago.edu/. Best, Julie


Ancient World in Museums – Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues, The Editors of the Routledge series Ancient World in Museums: Pedagogies in Practice are seeking abstract submissions for the second volume in the series, Teaching about the Ancient World in Museums: Pedagogies in Practice. Please see the attached call for papers and information below. Please contact the editors directly with submissions and queries. All the best […]


NCAM Director General Letter of Appeal

Dear Friends and Colleagues, The ongoing war in Sudan is deeply concerning and saddening and many Sudanese people are affected and suffering as a result. There have been significant civilian casualties. The country’s infrastructure, institutions and cultural heritage are severely endangered and damaged by widespread armed conflict and instability. Our thoughts remain with the people […]


Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies vol 8

Dear Colleagues,Volume 8 of Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies is now available online open access. A link follows below. This issue focuses on studies concerning the phenomenon of War in Sudan. https://escholarship.org/uc/dotawo/8/0 best wishes Julie


Invitation+Programme Sudan Day Berlin 2023 (24 June, 10:00-18:00 CEST, in Berlin + Online)

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, With great concern and dismay, we are following the ongoing armed conflictin Sudan and its devastating consequences for the Sudanese people and thecountry. There are too many casualties already. Sudan’s tangible andintangible cultural heritage is also at risk from the armed conflict andthe resulting instability. In the interest of the people […]