Berlin Sudan Day 2022

Dear ISNS Members,Berlin Sudan Day 2022 may be of interest to you. The announcement follows below, and further details are attached. Please contact the organisers directly with any queries.

Best wishes


Dear Friends of the archaeology of Sudan,

We would like to cordially invite you to the “Berlin Sudan Day 2022” on
Saturday, June 18, 2022. This year’s event will again be organised by
colleagues working on ancient Sudan at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the
Sudan Archaeological Society Berlin (SAG) e.V., the Egyptian Museum and
Papyrus Collection (ÄMP-SPK) and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).

The thematic focus of this year’s event is: The Middle Nile Valley and its
neighbours. The Sudan Day 2022 will culminate in a laudatio and a keynote
lecture in honour of Steffen Wenig, the inspiring researcher and recently
deceased former professor of Sudan Archaeology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Please find the detailed programme attached.
The Berlin Sudan Day 2022 will take place in the lecture hall of the James
Simon Gallery on Museum Island in the heart of Berlin (Bodestr. 1-3, 10178
Berlin). It is recommended that you wear a medical or FFP2 mask inside the

You can also follow the event online. To do so, please register via the link copy the complete link into your browser if it is not displayed in
one line!) or the QR code on the programme.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at

We appreciate your interest and send our warmest regards,

Your organizing team from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Sudan
Archaeological Society of Berlin e.V., the Egyptian Museum and Papyrus
Collection and the German Archaeological Institute