SFDAS Announcement

Dear Colleagues,

The SFDAS team sends its best wishes for the New Year, which we hope will bring an end to the war in Sudan.

We are pleased to communicate the link to the new SFDAS website: https://sfdas.hypotheses.org/

As the Hypotheses platform is designed on the model of a blog, you can send us news about your work, posts on various current or past research, your publications, etc. We also hope to provide soon an English version and an Arabic version.

Do not hesitate to share the link of this new website with your teams and contacts as well as the new official email address of the SFDAS: khartoum.sfdas(at)gmail.com

All the best,

Séverine Marchi and Faïza Drici

Section Française de la Direction des Antiquités du Soudan

الوحدة الفرنسية بالهيئة الهامة للآثار و المتاحف